
DAVEGA firmware v5.x

Download & install v5.01.


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DAVEGA firmware v4.x

DAVEGA firmware v4.x is a new concept that merges the former "bootloader" and "firmware" into a single piece of software. This simplifies versioning and firmware updates. Since v4.00, all firmware updates can be done over the air.

Download & install v4.00.

DAVEGA bootloader

Device ID is a 14-digit hexadecimal number that can be found in Settings > About or retrieved using the DAVEGA X Tool.

DAVEGA firmware v3 and older

Please see the CHANGELOG for updates and fixes made.


DAVEGA X Tool allows to install the bootloader and firmware on DAVEGA X via microUSB cable. It can also be used for backing up the DAVEGA X data or retrieving the device ID.

To use it:

  1. Download and unzip the DAVEGA X Tool for your operating system.
  2. Put your .bin and .dfs files in the same directory as the davegax-tool executable.
  3. Connect the DAVEGA X to your computer with a micro USB cable.
  4. Run the davegax-tool, once for each operation.
  5. If running it for the first time, start with "Auto-detect port" or "Select port manually".

Please read the user guide for more details.

Please see the CHANGELOG for updates and fixes made.